What I learned in my First Year as a Biz Owner
Your first year in business will be interesting and it will go by fast! I tell myself that the first few years of running a business will be the hardest. Read: 6 Essential Tips for Surviving the First Five Years in Business.
Don’t spread yourself out too thin.
It’s okay if you can’t do it all especially in the beginning. Don’t overpromise and underdeliver! Be realistic with yourself on what you can do.
Have a plan + strategy in place.
Having a plan for everything you do will keep you accountable and organized. You’ll feel more clear minded and confident as you work. Have strategies for your monthly and quarterly goals.
Learn as you go.
No one is expecting you to be a master at everything, instead hone in on one thing and master that. Also, once you scale your business, you’ll have the the resources to hire someone that is an expert at the things you’re not. Don’t be too hard on yourself!
Your style and business will unfold itself as time passes.
It’s okay if you don’t start with your dream branding (that’s why there is such thing as rebranding!). You’ll get to learn more about your business preferences as you start. The most important thing that you can do is just start.
Not everything will be perfect or go as planned.
As I’ve mentioned, be easy on yourself. This is your first year of business, you’re not going to do everything right the first time. Learn from your mistakes and be aware of how you can improve for the next time.
You will surprise others.
Not everyone is going to understand your passion and tenacity for wanting to start a business and that is okay. But, people are going to be surprised in what you’re doing because they know that it takes hard work and long hours.
You will surprise yourself.
You don’t know what you’re capable of until you have to do it! It’s so important to be proud of how far you’ve become since you started, so take a moment to appreciate your growth.
You will feel overwhelmed and feel like you’re an imposter.
It’s tough. The corporate world may be easier, but it is probably not as rewarding. You will find a solution to your problem and its okay if you don’t know the answer to everything. We are all human and sometimes we all feel like an imposter. Trying your best and being honest is always the best way to go about things.
Don’t compare yourself to other entrepreneurs, but do set goals for yourself.
Not comparing your business to others is difficult. Instead, focus on what you’re doing and how you’re going to accomplish them. Use that energy as fuel! Connect with entrepreneurs in the same industry as you so you can network with them and learn from them.
Take it easy on yourself.
If having a business was easy, then everyone would have one. Be confident that you’re doing the best that you can with the information you know at the moment. As long as you’re actively trying to improve, then it’s all good!
With love,